Voice & Accent Coaching

If you are interested in changing your voice presentation or modifying an accent, we can help!

Many of our multilingual clients have requested accent coaching to increase their confidence. We can help you recognize speech patterns that might affect how well you're understood by native American English speakers.

Even native English speakers may want to change their speech patterns. We can help anyone speak more clearly and confidently in professional situations. You may want to speak with a richer and fuller voice, limit filler words such as “um” and “like”, or make sure your speech is controlled when you’re in a high stakes situation. We’ll help you identify patterns that are impacting you, and we’ll give you tools to succeed in your goals!

Within this work, we support people of all genders finding authentic expression through their voice. You may desire to make your speech and voice patterns more masculine, feminine, or gender neutral. We would be honored to show you tools to develop a voice that accurately reflect your authentic self!

“I met Alisha in fall 2019 as we both were supporting a new student with no prior education. We’ve collaborated now to support this student for two school years, and his progress has been nothing short of fantastic. She is methodical, professional, and compassionate — one of the best in the business!”

— BP, colleague