Interpersonal Coaching

Interpersonal coaching focuses on developing and refining your interpersonal skills for more effective and meaningful connections with others. Coaching will prepare you for success in your career and personal relationships.

We can help you strengthen your interpersonal connections with others by providing strategies for building trust, understanding, and rapport. We will hold you accountable and help you develop active listening skills, sharpened perspective taking, and conflict resolution strategies.

You can learn to project a strong and authentic presence in various social and professional contexts. We can help you overcome stage fright and deliver professional presentations with confidence.

We can help you make the biggest impact in any situation by giving feedback on your overall verbal skills and speech organization, as well as non-verbal speech elements such as body language, facial expressions, and tone modulation.

Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are uniquely qualified professionals to assist with interpersonal coaching due to our training in communication and human interaction. We are holistically trained in all aspects of communication, including both verbal and non-verbal elements. Our approach is always personalized, and coaching sessions will be tailored to meet your unique needs and goals.

“I met Alisha in fall 2019 as we both were supporting a new student with no prior education. We’ve collaborated now to support this student for two school years, and his progress has been nothing short of fantastic. She is methodical, professional, and compassionate — one of the best in the business!”

— BP, colleague