
If you are interested in changing the way you pronounce certain speech sounds, we can help!

Articulation therapy targets the sounds of speech. You may benefit if you want to work on pronouncing a certain letter sound differently. Some examples of more challenging sounds that cause difficulty for many people are S, R, L, and SH, but any sound can be improved with practice!

Articulation therapy is for people of all ages! Whether you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or beyond, it is very common for adults to work with a speech therapist to alter their speech patterns. Some adults come to us seeking help with their speech that they never got in childhood. We are here to support you, and happy to help!

If you are multilingual and want to modify your American English pronunciation, check out our coaching page to learn more.

“I met Alisha in fall 2019 as we both were supporting a new student with no prior education. We’ve collaborated now to support this student for two school years, and his progress has been nothing short of fantastic. She is methodical, professional, and compassionate — one of the best in the business!”

— BP, colleague